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Shop Your Way
- Want FREE SHIPPING? Sign up for a FREE 90 day-trial of Shop Your Way Rewards Max (which cancels automatically) which will give you free expedited shipping at SEARS and KMART.
- In order to grab the deals below. Sign up here:
- 24 Carnival Treat Boxes – $7.49 +Shipping (Ebay – Buy It Now – No Bidding)
- 100 Popcorn Bags – $7.99(Ebay – Buy It Now – No Bidding)
- 10 (24 oz) Deli Containers – $5.59 (Ebay – Buy It Now – No Bidding)
- 40 (12 oz) Deli Containers – $12.99 (Ebay – Buy It Now – No Bidding)
- 30 Gold -Top 1oz Jars – $16.95 + Shipping (Ebay – Buy It Now – No Bidding)
- 48 (6-inch) Bowl Baskets (HOT DEAL) – $8.99 + Shipping (Ebay – Buy It Now – No Bidding)
Cheap candy ideas: A tub of Twizzlers, Sunkist Fruit Gems, Dum Dum Lolli Pops
Cheap candy I found on Amazon:
- Sour Punch Twists (Star-K) – $18.49 for 225 (you can probably split this with 2-3 people!)
- Laffy Taffys – 2-lb container – $11.31
Themed food:
- Fortune Cookies on Amazon (see above for free shipping) – $28.56 for 350! (They also have 100 for $13.85 – Note: It doesn’t say the word kosher in the description like the other one but it’s the same brand)
Other Cheap Food/Beverage Ideas: Soda cans, tea bags, water bottles, mini pack of chips (bulk), individually wrapper (snack) crackers, fruit cups
Other Cheap Food Links:
- Planters Nuts on the Go Salted Peanuts, 1 oz single-serve bags, 48-Count – $14.18 (Just be careful of those who have allergies.)
I’m currently looking for alcohol deals for you.
Kohl’s sells costumes year-round. Use promos below:
- $10 off $30 with code TENOFF30, 2/20-2/2
- Kohl’s Charge Special offers: 20% off with code BEMINE20 (Valid til 2/18)
- Free Shipping
- 50 with code FREE4FEB, 2/20-2/22
- 50 with code SHIP50FREE, 2/27-3/1
Cheapest way to give Shalach Manot: Recycle them. Take a little of everything you can and re-package it in a simple cellophane bag.
Fun Purim Ideas: GO ON PINTEREST. (I love that site!) Just search for Shalach Manot.
Ideas I came across/thought of while looking at ideas.
Craft hamantashen – My spin on the idea: Take a paper bag (or brown foam sheets) – trace large circles and then fold like hamantashen. Tape or staples it together then fill with candy and cookies.
As an artist I love this – Art Palette shalach Manot (idea by Esther O Designs)
Other ideas:
- Googlie eyes on a plain paper lunch bag (you can also draw the rest of the face with a marker)
- Print custom labels/pictures of whatever your theme is and put it on water bottles, coffee cans, jars, pizza boxes, whatever you can get hold of.
- Take paper plates and make 2 parallel slits on each side and then fold and tape to make a paper basket.
- Backwards theme: Take a paper and write the name of whatever items you have backwards and label it. (Ex: write “Retaw” on a label and put it on a water bottle. Then do the same with a sandwich (Hciwdnas). Make sure to wait until people are drunk so it’s funnier. 🙂
- Give people PASSOVER items instead of regular food since they already have so much Purim nosh
Various General Themes:
- Asian
- SuperHero
- Colors
- Sesame Street
- Shopping Theme (just use bags from your favorite stores)
- Backwards (see above)
- Animals
- Favorite Snacks (Milk and Cookies, Popcorn, Cake Slices)
- Sweet and Salty
- Funny Faces
- Clowns
- Spa Theme (“seaweed wrap”)