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Cheap candy ideas: A tub of Twizzlers, Sunkist Fruit Gems, Dum Dum Lolli Pops

Cheap candy I found on Amazon:

Themed food:

Other Cheap Food/Beverage Ideas: Soda cans, tea bags, water bottles, mini pack of chips (bulk), individually wrapper (snack) crackers, fruit cups

Other Cheap Food Links:

I’m currently looking for alcohol deals for you.


Kohls Department Stores Inc

Kohl’s sells costumes year-round. Use promos below:



Cheapest way to give Shalach Manot: Recycle them. Take a little of everything you can and re-package it in a simple cellophane bag.

Fun Purim Ideas:  GO ON PINTEREST. (I love that site!) Just search for Shalach Manot.

Ideas I came across/thought of while looking at ideas.

Craft hamantashen – My spin on the idea: Take a paper bag (or brown foam sheets) – trace large circles and then fold like hamantashen. Tape or staples it together then fill with candy and cookies.

As an artist I love this – Art Palette shalach Manot (idea by Esther O Designs)

Other ideas:

Various General Themes:


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