Contact The Kosher Coupon Lady


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Get the top deals & savings today. Your search for great deals and coupon savings ends here. Find the best bargains and money-saving offers, discounts, promo codes, freebies and price matching. Discovering the finest deals and discounts while shopping online involves employing savvy strategies. On The Kosher Coupon Lady, we share our favorite tips and strategies to help you get the best deals, discounts and prices on the web. Plus, you’ll learn the basics of couponing, companies that provide coupons and how to organize your coupons.

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About Meet The Kosher Coupon Lady

Hi, I’m Miriam Wartell

Hi, I’m Miriam, The Kosher Coupon Lady I’m an entrepreneur with a passion for helping others. I began couponing right after college and since then, I have been able to slash my grocery bills in half and help others in a way that I could never before.

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